From the course: Developing a Critical Thinking Mindset

Creating a practice of critical thinking

From the course: Developing a Critical Thinking Mindset

Creating a practice of critical thinking

- I know that developing a critical thinking mindset isn't easy. It is totally doable, especially when you practice by integrating critical thinking into your daily life. Your my LinkedIn Learning friends and fellow critical thinkers. So of course, I want to share my weekly practice with you. Each day of the week, I pose one question to myself to practice critical thinking. As I ask the daily question, I choose any topic or idea to think about, decisions at work, medical decisions, societal debates, ideas being talked about. Here's my schedule. Monday, I asked myself a purpose question like, what am I trying to accomplish or decide this week? Tuesday, it's an information question like, what's the best source of information for what I need to accomplish or decide? Wednesday, it's a question question like, what might I be failing to ask? Thursday, it's a perspective question like, how is my perspective different from someone who actually agrees with me? That's a tricky one. Friday, it's an assumption question like, what am I failing to consider? Saturday, it's a concept question like, how can I better clarify an idea or belief that I have? And on Sunday, I ask myself a conclusion question like, how can I find evidence that supports a different conclusion than the one I believe? Taking a few minutes out of each day to apply curiosity to critical thinking ensures that you won't leave critical thinking to chance. Plus, it's fun! I want to make sure to end this course with an important takeaway. It's the glue that will hold all of your critical thinking mindset ingredients together, intellectual humility, the acknowledgement that you don't know everything you think you know. None of us do. That's a beautiful thing because it means we have so much more to learn. And now you have critical thinking as your guide.
