From the course: Determining Market Size for Your Product or Service

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Skincare market case study: Market size

Skincare market case study: Market size

- So for organic male, let's take a look at their TAM and see how large their total addressable market is. Now, for them I would, I first have to make sure I define the market properly. So I'm going to define it as adult males who buy skincare, right. And that market size is actually 36.8 million people, right and that's their TAM. That's your total addressable market. Next, we're going to define SAM. And remember SAM is the segmented addressable market and this really is your qualified market. This is the people they have to qualify in order to buy your product or service. So it's not the potential we going to narrow it down to a qualified buyer. Some of the things that you can look at while you're narrowing this down, how you're narrowing this down, is first of all your demographics, your geography and if you're in B2B the size of the business or type of the business, those are some tools that you can work to narrow…
