From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

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Preflight the document

Preflight the document

- [Instructor] We're almost at the point where we want to make a print ready PDF. Let's just review where we're at. So we have our front cover, and back cover. And then all of our interior pages, content spread, various infographics. We have our unified picture look, bar chart, donut charts, tables, timelines, and now we're ready to output this. We're ready to send this to the printer. Of course, this will likely go through several revision cycles. You'll be sending it to an editor. He'll be coming back with changes. You'll be inputting them. You want to make sure obviously, I know it's an obvious point, but it's something that does sometimes get overlooked, that you spell check everything. Even if you've spell checked it at the beginning of the process, do so the end. It's very easy for errors to be introduced. What InDesign user has not experienced this problem, where you have your type cursor inside of a text…
