From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

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Place text

Place text

- [Instructor] Having placed most of the images, we are now ready to place the text. In this step, I'm not concerned with how the text looks, I just want to get the relevant piece of text onto the right page. So we're on our Table of Contents page. Let's come and choose the Text layer, and it seems like I didn't actually draw a text frame for that piece of text. No worries, we can just address that on the fly. So I'm going to come to the exercise files folder and to the Text folder, and select all of those text files with the exception of the cover. And then click to open. And if you come across a missing fonts warning, just click close to move to the next step. So here I'm going to click and drag. This is where the mission statement is going to go. Now move onto the next spread, the year in numbers. Of course, if you need to refer to the flat plan, do that. If you need to refer to the final version, by all means, do that.…
