From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

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Generate a table of contents

Generate a table of contents

- [Instructor] It's now time to generate the table of contents for our annual report document. Let's just have a quick look at the finished version. This is the table of contents that we are about to generate. I'll start by turning on my layers by pressing W. And I'm using my grid layer here which is going to inform the placement of my table of contents story. From the layout menu, I'll come to table of contents. Here I need to make a number of choices. Firstly, what do I want this story to be called? Well, I'm going to leave it called contents. I will apply my Head 1 style to that header. From the list of styles in the document, I'm going to choose Head 1 for my first entry. And I have only one entry. If you don't see these options, then just click on this button here to see more options. I need to choose a paragraph style that will be applied to the entries. If I scroll down in my list, we see these styles: Talk 1, Talk…
