From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

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Format text

Format text

- [Instructor] Okay, it's now time to format the text which of course we will be doing using paragraph styles and character styles. Firstly if you notice down here it says 21 errors. It's way too soon for us to be worrying about the preflight, so I'm going to come and turn that off. Now it would take too long for me to show you how to create and apply all of the paragraph styles so I'm just going to do a few choice paragraph styles because most of the text is either body text or derived from body text. That's where I'll start. And that's the way with all documents. I'll select a paragraph, press command or control + 6 to jump to the font menu. As I mentioned, I'm using Source Sans Pro. Very clean, contemporary Sans Serif typeface. The size is going to be 10, and the letting value, 14. Everything I do, or most things that I do will be based on a unit of seven, 14 of course being twice seven. Let's now switch to…
