From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

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Document setup

Document setup

- So let's create our 24 page annual report document from scratch. Command or Control + N to create a new document. The page size that I want is eight and a half inches wide by ten and a half inches in height. I want facing pages 24. I actually will be changing the start page number but for now I'm going to have this start at number one. I will be using a 12 column grid but I would like to have as my base just 2 columns. The remaining measurements I'm going to input in points just as a matter of personal preference. I would like the column gutter or space between the columns to be 14 points. And now I want my margin values to be 40 points for the top I need to break this chain so that I can set them independently. 58 points for the bottom, 66 points for the inside and 63 points for the outside. Now I didn't just draw those figures out of thin air. They came about through some trial and error. Since I do want to…
