From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

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Design tables

Design tables

- [Instructor] So, given that we're working with an annual report, inevitably, there will be some financial tables and we have two on pages 20 and 21 and there is also a third on page 23. Let's come to our work in progress. We've placed the tables roughly on these pages. They have come in from the Word document as tables. So, we don't need to convert them to tables. They already are. We have some distracting elements down here, which we're going to get to in a forthcoming movie. But, for now, let's just come and hide the pictures layer so that we don't see that. I'm going to zoom in on the first table and I'm also going to turn off my guides by pressing W. First thing I'll do is put my cursor in the table and then come to the top left-hand corner and select all of the text. Now, I have the paragraph styles for the table already set up. There are several variants. I'm going to go ahead and apply the first. So, the…
