From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

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Create a wireframe for the document

Create a wireframe for the document

- [Instructor] Let's take stock where we are in creating our 24 page annual report. Well we have, as the opening spread, a front cover and back cover and then we switch to the document pages, the inside pages, currently no content on these pages, but we have all of the framework set up. We have these various different layers, we have our color palette, we have a growing number, admittedly not many yet, of Object Styles, Paragraph Styles and Character Styles. What I'd like to do next is create a wire frame. And in order to do this, we can refer back to the flat plan, which identifies what content goes on what page. Of course we can also refer to the finished version. And I'm going to be using the layers here. I'm going to be creating text frames on the text layer, actually they will be graphic frames until we put text into them. And picture frames on the pictures layer. Now the key thing is that we will know, at a glance,…
