From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

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Create a timeline

Create a timeline

- [Instructor] Let's now look at creating another type of infographic, a timeline that we see here on pages 20 and 21 running along the bottom of the pages. In our work in progress, these are the parts that we have. So I have a rectangle and I have a triangle that will become that directional arrow. On the pasteboard, when I press W to show my pasteboard, we can see that I have two formatted text frames. I have this field of color in the background. This is on the Panels layer and this is locked just so that I can't disturb it while I'm working placing content on top of that area. On my Layers, I have the grid turned on because we are going to be drawing lots of frames here. And I also have the Baseline Grid turned on. So my first step is I want to draw a framework of picture frames and text frames to accommodate this content. If we look at the finished version, we can see that the content runs like this. So we have…
