From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

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Create a print-ready PDF

Create a print-ready PDF

- [Instructor] So, having checked, double checked, triple checked a document to make sure there are no errors, we've run a preflight profile, we've had sign off from all stakeholders, we're now ready to make a print ready PDF. In fact, we're going to be making two because we want the cover and back cover to be a separate document. Let's do that one first. I'll press cmd or ctrl + e to export and choose Adobe PFD print as the format. I'll give that a name. In terms of which preset to use, the most important piece of advice I'm going to give you here is discuss this with your printer. The most compatible preset is PDF X-1a2001. It's going to create a PDF that is compatible with PDF standard 1.3. This does not support transparency. Everything is going to be flattened in the resulting PDF. But pretty much anyone can print this. But as its name suggests, it's rather old, 2001. So you might consider using a PDF X-4 if…
