From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

Create a flat plan

- [Nigel] So let's imagine that we are designing an annual report. We're designing an annual report for this fictitious company called h+ sport, who have a line of energy drinks and nutritional supplements and also outer wear. So our first steps are to engage with the company to do research to check out their competitors to find out, essentially, what it is they want. To look at past annual reports, to come up with sketches to make a mood board and then, when we have an idea of where we're going with the annual report, so that we can give ourselves a road map to create a flat plan. And that's what I have here. So the annual report that we will be creating is 24 pages. And I have created in InDesign, a 24-page document with nothing more than a text frame on each of those pages just identifying what content is going to be assigned to those pages. And this could just be very helpful as you work through the process, just to know what content goes on what page. You'll notice too, that I am color coding it because we have different sections in the annual report. Now these are not the colors that I'm going to be using in the design of the annual report, I just chose whatever colors were readily at-hand just to distinguish one section from the next. So this is a flat plan, a valuable road map to the creation of our 24-page annual report.
