From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

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Choose a color palette

Choose a color palette

- [Instructor] Let's turn our attention now to creating a color palette for our annual report. This is going to be created by combining the colors of the logo with a color theme derived from our cover image. Let me switch to Illustrator, where we have the logo, and I'll select this element here. This is the color that we want to add to our color palette. I'm going to do this through Libraries, so I'll come to my Libraries panel and create a new library. And, to that library, I'm going to add the content. In this case, just the fill color. I'll now switch back to InDesign. Come to the Swatches panel, and start by selecting All Unused. I'm going to clear these colors out. Then come to Libraries, make sure you have the right library selected, right-click on that color, and choose Add Color to Swatches. Next, I'll come over to my Color Theme tool and click on the image. You can experiment with these different moods.…
