From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

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Add color coding to the table of contents

Add color coding to the table of contents

From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

Add color coding to the table of contents

- [Josh] Having generated the table of contents, I now want to color code it so that it corresponds to the color bars that we have running down the right-hand side of the pages, just like we see in the finished version. So, let's zoom in on this and I'm going to come and edit that T.O.C body text style. Right click on it and choose edit. Let me just move my content over to the left before I do that. What I need here is a paragraph border. So I'll turn the border on and we see that the border starts going around all four sides of the text. I'm going to start by setting it to zero, then break the chain and then on the left side, make the weight of the border seven points. Let's just look at the top edge and the bottom edge. The top edge I'm going to leave at ascent, the bottom edge, I'll change that to baseline. For the color, I'm going to use the first of our navigation colors, which is the yellow. And then, I need to come to…
