From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

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Add a navigational tab

Add a navigational tab

- An annual report is not read like a novel, instead people are going to be skipping back and forth, from one section to the next. And to make it easier, we are going to add some colored bars down the right hand side of the right hand pages, which identify the sections. And you can see these colored bars here, they start out on the contents spread, and they are also echoed in this colored bar that runs down left hand side of the contents text. So, there we have the yellow section, and then, starting on 14, the next section, and then the next section. So, what we need to do is, in our working progress, on the A master page, choose the rectangle tool, make sure that we are on the master page, items layer. Now with the rectangle tool, I'm going to draw myself a rectangle that goes all the way from the top of the page, all the way down to the bottom. And I'm deliberately not starting from the top lead guide, nor going to…
