From the course: Designing an Annual Report in InDesign

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Add a GREP style

Add a GREP style

- [Instructor] So, bit by bit, we are whipping our text into shape. We have applied an object style to control the number of columns, and the column rules and balancing the columns. We have the paragraph styles applied, but there's still more to do. We need to finesse this a little bit more. If you, in an earlier step, copied the styles as I suggested you might want to do, by choosing Load All Text Styles, and went to the final version of the document, then this problem will not exist for you, so I've reversed engineered this particular document just to show you why I'm doing what I'm about to do next, and that is to add in a couple, or possible three GREP styles. Now, if we look at this paragraph here, we could make a case that this is a short last line. Ends on a single word, and that word is quite short. So it would be better if it were joined on the last line, by the word that ended the previous line, and we can…
