From the course: Design Thinking: Customer Experience

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The four components of customer experience

The four components of customer experience

From the course: Design Thinking: Customer Experience

The four components of customer experience

- To truly understand customer experience we have to understand the four components required to build one. There are archetypes, activities, interactions, and principles. An easy way to remember these is to think about the different parts of a relationship. Archetypes represent the person that you care about or wanna get to know. They are the friend or partner in the relationship. Activities are the things that are happening in that partner's life. Interactions are the actual exchanges the business has with their customer or partner. And principles are what guide each interaction. Each of these components represents a puzzle piece in the customer experience framework that we'll be constructing throughout this chapter. Once we've completed the chapter we'll have built a full customer experience and can then asses the strength of the customer relationship. Let's check out the first component.
