From the course: Design Thinking: Customer Experience

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Strengthening customer relationships

Strengthening customer relationships

- Once a company has the four major components of customer experience; an archetype, activities, interactions, and principles, they can step back to assess the strength of their customer relationship by measuring the interactions. To do this, we use a tool to assess relationships, something we call a relationship framework. This tool helps to expose gaps and identify opportunities for improvement by measuring three tenants critical to building strong relationships; breadth, depth, and consistency. Breadth refers to the frequency of interactions across a customers experience. Like a personal relationship, the more time you spend with someone the closer you get. Think about all the interactions you have with Google products like Gmail, Calender, or Search. The more you interact with those products, the more reliable Google becomes. We trust them to meet our needs. When considering breadth, companies should do their best to avoid unnecessary or unsolicited interactions, and instead look…
