From the course: Design Thinking: Customer Experience

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Relationships as a customer experience strategy

Relationships as a customer experience strategy

From the course: Design Thinking: Customer Experience

Relationships as a customer experience strategy

- [Tutor] More and more companies today are designing their customer experience with the goal of meeting customer expectations. These expectations shaped by some of today's market leaders like Amazon, Zappos, and Facebook, are pushing organizations to update their offerings, to include things like personalized products and services, same day shipping options, or even hassle-free customer service interactions. But companies who optimize their customer experience only to support customer satisfaction are selling themselves short. To create real customer loyalty, a company can't just meet expectations. They must look beyond satisfactory interactions and consider how to provide delight, connection, and meaningful memories. And for those who do, the payoff is rewarding. A 2016 survey showed a dramatic difference in revenue potential for those companies who focus on customer experience. In a separate research study done in the same year found that moderate improvements in customer…
