From the course: Design Thinking: Customer Experience

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Interactions and principles

Interactions and principles

- Interactions are the moment when a brand engages with a customer. And with more ways to engage than ever before, companies need to ensure the apps, websites, physical products, and even the in-person service interactions they create are both consistent and meaningful. But this is no easy task. Maintaining consistency, let alone creating meaning across all interactions is a major challenge for companies today, requiring all parts of the organization, starting from the top, to align on a set of principles to guide customer interactions. Why is this so important? Imagine if you had a friend who acted differently every time you saw them, or if you felt like their behavior was fake or inauthentic. Deep relationships will not form if the customer experience is unreliable or wrought with shallow interactions. So, to address this, we create experience principles: criteria from customer needs that guide interactions and enable organizations to make decisions that customers will find…
