From the course: Design Thinking: Cultivating Curiosity for Empathy and Inclusion

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Learn it all mindset

- "What is curiosity?" you might ask. Curiosity is a strong desire to know or learn, having an interest in a person, thing, or experience that leads to asking a question. Today we're going to focus on the people part of curiosity, the part of curiosity that leads to having empathy. We will keep the human at the center and keep our minds open. And how do we do this? By being open-minded and having a learn-it-all mindset, not a know-it-all mindset. When we are closed off to learning new things, we miss the opportunity to hear new perspectives, also to solve problems and to be truly innovative. One of the crucial ingredients of curiosity is remaining fascinated by what we don't know. We simply can't know something and learn about it at the same time. Learning depends on having an open mind, dismissing what we think we know, and inviting new information in. It's the lens through which we permit ourselves to see anew…
