From the course: Design a High-Impact Sell Sheet

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Choose colors that send a message

Choose colors that send a message - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Design a High-Impact Sell Sheet

Choose colors that send a message

- [Instructor] A key step before wireframing your design is to determine a color palette upfront. While your brand will help guide your color choices, how you implement those colors will matter. For example, while this sell sheet is clearly using the BooginHead orange, the color usage is reserved for the header and the footer only. If the color were, instead, used as the entire background of the piece, it would deter from the vibrancy of the products themselves. BooginHead could've also chosen to use their orange for all of the supporting text, but this would've made it hard for key phrases to stand out. This is why their color choices really work throughout. In the case of Sportiqe, however, their red plays a large role in the design by acting as the color for images and headlines. There are pros and cons to this. The red pulls the viewer in, but it also gives equal weight to every headline and call out box, even though the information might not be equally important. Here is my…
