From the course: Delegating Tasks

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When tasks are delegated to you

When tasks are delegated to you

From the course: Delegating Tasks

When tasks are delegated to you

- Even if you're a senior professional, there are times when things get delegated to you. That can be a colossal hassle if it's not done well because it's just adding to the burden of the tasks you already have to accomplish but sometimes, occasionally, having something delegated to you can actually be exciting or fulfilling. Think about the times when you've been sent to a high stakes meeting because your boss can't be there and you get to be in the middle of the action or you get to take the lead on an interesting, innovative project and really own it. That's when delegation can become a win-win even for the person being delegated to. It turns out we can learn a lot about how to become better delegators by thinking back to the times when we've been on the receiving end. So what does delegation done well really look like? First and hopefully you've experienced this in the past, it's when someone explains the full context and meaning behind their request. It's not just annoying when…
