From the course: Delegating Tasks

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When someone makes a mistake

When someone makes a mistake

From the course: Delegating Tasks

When someone makes a mistake

- Sadly, it's inevitable, because we're human. At some point, you're going to delegate something and it's not going to go well. Mistakes will be made. So what do you do? Here's how to handle the situation productively. First, you have to ask yourself is this actually a mistake or is it just that you would've handled it differently? If they created the graphics in blue but you would've done them in green, that's not really a mistake unless they ignored your specific instructions. When we're first learning to delegate, sometimes differences of style might feel like a big deal. It's wrong, who would've done it that way? But you have to take a step back and maybe even get the opinion of a trusted colleague. The issue might actually be more about you letting go of perfectionism rather than them making an egregious error, but let's assume for the sake of argument that it really was a mistake. If that's the case, the first order of business is understanding why it happened. Were your…
