From the course: Delegating Tasks

What you should know

- Delegation's key for managers as you ascend in your organization. You'd be in pretty bad shape if every time you moved up the ladder, you just kept on adding more and more duties to the mix. But, even if you're just starting out and don't have any direct reports, there'll be times you'll need to delegate to colleagues. Somethings are out of your area of expertise. Somethings are on a tight deadline and you just don't have the capacity to complete them on time. And, somethings are tasks that are just better suited to other people. You have to learn how to delegate now so that it's not a deficit you suddenly discover once you're promoted. As we get started, take a moment to download the exercise file for this course. The What Can You Delegate Checklist will help you identify the tasks and obligations you can safely offload to others because, of course, that's the starting point. What do you need help with and what's okay for you not to do yourself? There are some tasks that are really central to your job description, core competencies that only you can do or where you're at your best. That's not where you delegate. We're looking for areas that aren't where you excel, but others might. So you can focus on where your skills really lie. It's not always easy and it's not always perfect, but, like all things, you get better with experience and starting now means you'll be better prepared to manage your own workflow and not get overwhelmed. And, to lead at a higher level with a wide range of people reporting to you.
