From the course: Delegating Tasks

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What tasks should you delegate?

What tasks should you delegate?

From the course: Delegating Tasks

What tasks should you delegate?

- So here's the million dollar question. What should you actually delegate anyway? What's okay to delegate and what would be a tragic mistake? Here are some questions to ask yourself to answer this effectively. And, if you have the exercise file handy, feel free to follow along with it. If you don't, no worries. First, before you can figure out what to delegate, it's useful to get over an overall sense of the tasks you actually do. For a period of time, like a week or perhaps two weeks, write down every different task that you do. It's easy to forget if you try to do it all at the end of the day or every few days. So, you might even want to set a timer every couple of hours to remind you to write things down. Your list might include things like respond to emails, book plane tickets, create a PowerPoint, write up a research memo, attend project meeting, brainstorm a list of suggestions for a new initiative, process invoices, or things like that. Next, once you have the complete list…
