From the course: Delegating Tasks


- These days we're all overwhelmed. We can't make more time and our professional obligations aren't going away, so the answer, the only answer, is delegation. It sounds easy in practice, but many professionals find it challenging. What exactly do you delegate and to whom? That may not be so obvious. And how can you trust them with that responsibility? With delegation, your reputation is on the line. How can you make sure they won't mess it up? That's the paradox we're facing and it stops many people from even trying to delegate, but eventually the treadmill moves so fast, you just can't keep up anymore. You can't do it all by yourself. I'm Dorie Clark, the author of Stand Out and Reinventing You, and I also teach for Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. In this course we're going to be talking about strategies on doing delegation right, how to plan it out strategically so it's not slapdash or careless, and we'll look at how to extract the full value of having more time and resources at your disposal. It's not easy to manage, but the most valuable things, never are, and the rewards in terms of your productivity and efficiency can be stunning.
