From the course: Delegating Tasks

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Set up accountability systems

Set up accountability systems

From the course: Delegating Tasks

Set up accountability systems

- A big part of the reason we delegate is to get particular tasks off our minds so we don't have to worry about them anymore. But that only works if you're certain something will really get done. Otherwise it creates an open loop and you're still worrying about it endlessly. Here's how to set up systems to put your mind at ease. First, you'll want to create a tracking mechanism that you and the person you're delegating to can use together. There's no one right answer for this. But there is a wrong answer, and that is email. If you're constantly shooting notes over to the person and saying, hey, can you do this, it's easy to lose track of what you asked for. And you're relying on them 100% to keep track of it, which, let's be honest, may or may not be a good idea. Instead, use a shared system you can both access that provides an official record of what they're working on. You could use something as simple as a shared spreadsheet you can access in the cloud. Or some kind of project…
