From the course: Delegating Tasks

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- Delegation allows you to do more, plain and simple. No one ever said it was easy though. You have to identify exactly which tasks you can outsource, break them down into meticulously detailed steps, find someone to hand them off to, train them up, and then get comfortable with the idea that they might screw it up anyway. That's why so many professionals never bother to delegate. Of course, the alternative is that they burn themselves out trying to do everything by themselves. And, they limit their career progression because there's only so much one human being can do. To scale your career, you have to learn to scale what you can accomplish and that can only be done by enlisting other people to help. If you can get comfortable with it and good at it, especially early in your career, that gives you a massive competitive advantage you can leverage for years and decades. Take the first step. Spend the next week or two writing down every task that you do just to get a sense. Then, you…
