From the course: Delegating Tasks

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Lay the groundwork for delegation

Lay the groundwork for delegation

From the course: Delegating Tasks

Lay the groundwork for delegation

- Wouldn't it be nice if you could just wave at a pile of papers on your desk and magically tell someone to take it over? Of course, they'd have absolutely no idea what to do. And part of the reason that delegation efforts often fail is that many people try to hand off responsibility without properly explaining what's needed or providing the proper training. That's not going to be your mistake. You know you need to lay the groundwork for successful delegation by creating detailed instructions and processes, and here's how to do it. To start, you have to break down the task into its constituent parts. Once you're proficient at something, you often just think of it as one thing. Oh, just post a status update or just play a solo in G Major. But if you've never done those things before, that's incredibly confusing. You have to master the individual steps first. So take a step back, embrace beginner mind, and actually go through the process once where you write down every single step you…
