From the course: Delegating Tasks

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How to hire someone you can delegate to

How to hire someone you can delegate to

From the course: Delegating Tasks

How to hire someone you can delegate to

- If you already have someone you can easily delegate to, a direct report or a trusted colleague, that's fantastic, and later we'll talk about how to handle that interaction optimally. But what if you want to delegate, but there's no logical candidate to help? In that case, you may need to hire someone. Of course, if you're working inside an organization you'll need to get budgetary approval and permission to do it first. But assuming you have the go ahead, how can you find the right person? Here are a few things to keep in mind to make sure you're choosing wisely. First, make sure you're very clear on exactly which tasks you'd like someone to perform and understand the skillset that's necessary for them to possess. Do they have to have experience in order to do the job well? Or is it something they can figure out on the job? For instance, if you're hiring someone to help with social media, it may not be a big deal if they're unfamiliar with a certain new platform that you're…
