From the course: Delegating Tasks

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How to delegate outside the chain of command

How to delegate outside the chain of command

From the course: Delegating Tasks

How to delegate outside the chain of command

- Modern corporate life isn't quite so hierarchical anymore. Organizations these days like to be flat, and matrixed, and collaborate across silos. That's often great. There are plenty of benefits when it comes to innovation and breaking out of bureaucratic patterns. But one area where it gets complicated is delegation, because to do your job effectively, you often need to get assistance from people who are colleagues, not direct reports. So how can you persuade them to help you, even when they're outside your chain of command? Here are three questions to ask yourself to help the process along. First, what's the appropriate protocol? This will vary by company and even by department, so there's not a fixed answer here, but it's important to think about. There might be a relatively junior employee whose help you need, so you grab them, and ask if they can assist. Of course, they say, no problem. But depending on a lot of factors, including your rank in the organization, they may honestly…
