From the course: Delegating Tasks

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How to communicate effectively

How to communicate effectively

From the course: Delegating Tasks

How to communicate effectively

- In delegation as with all relationships, the secret to success is good communication. What are they expected to do and by when? What should they do if they don't know how to do something? These are basic questions and yet many people who try to delegate never set up a procedure with the person they're working with so the moment trouble or even confusion strikes it turns into a problem but with just a bit of advanced planning, you can avoid many of the most damaging situations. Here's how to talk openly and clearly so everyone is on the same page. First, for every project you assign, you have to assign a deadline period. Your employee may have done an amazing job on that analysis of the Brazilian market but if he gets it to you in a month when you actually needed it in a week, it's of zero use. You both have to be crystal clear on the deadline for every task and also the priority level. It's worth making this explicit and ranking every assignment either top priority, do this first…
