From the course: Delegating Tasks

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Delegating tasks to your direct reports

Delegating tasks to your direct reports

From the course: Delegating Tasks

Delegating tasks to your direct reports

- Delegating to your direct reports should be the simplest of all, right? You're their boss, so if you say to do something they should do it! Isn't that how the world works? Well, not exactly. (laughs) People have never really responded all that well to just being ordered around. It takes more finesse and understanding of the other person's situation. The goal is to make it a win-win, and something that feels more like an opportunity than a command. Here's what to keep in mind. First of all, you can't fill a cup that's already overflowing. You have to get a sense of what your employee is already working on and responsible for. You might think you already know; after all, you're their boss, but sometimes without thinking we might add something small to their plate without even stopping to consider it. Oh hey, would you mind writing up the notes for that meeting, or whatever. Those things add up. It's also possible, unbeknownst to you, that your colleagues may have roped your employee…
