From the course: Data for Good: Using Data Science in Nonprofits and NGOs

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World discussions

World discussions

- [Instructor] As mentioned previously, discussion boards such as GitHub and Stack Overflow are still solid places to go to understand new approaches to problem-solving and technical releases but it can also be a good source of new, upcoming social projects to contribute to. There are a number of platforms like Kaggle that have a number of machine-learning challenges. Although commercial competitions were their initial base offering, they've also spread that out to offer wider and wider opportunities. They also offer a number of different kernels or code samples that can help understand how machine-learning methods are applied and also use them on a number of different projects. This is a major hub of projects but not the only source. Recently, I've been able to find a competition that looks to train a model to simulate the bokeh effect of a full-frame camera and they provided a tailored data set to train from. Bokeh is that…
