From the course: Data for Good: Using Data Science in Nonprofits and NGOs

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Solution: Set up a mock project

Solution: Set up a mock project

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] How did you find the challenge? As always your answer might be quite different to what I came up with, but I'm just using this as an example. There's actually really no right or wrong answers. In terms of the solution that I came up with there was an article called Troll Patrol Findings. It was published by Amnesty International. And they used a number of different machine learning techniques, as well as crowdsourcing to create this article about trolls online. What's really interesting is when they crowdsourced the information, they actually used an open source platform that anyone can use to create analysis like this. If you're interested in using crowdsourcing as well as data collection, it might be an interesting platform to look into.
