From the course: Data for Good: Using Data Science in Nonprofits and NGOs

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Solution: Define machine learning

Solution: Define machine learning

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] I understand that the question I asked was quite broad and your answers might be completely different to what I came up with. Here are just two examples that I was thinking about when I thought about machine learning. For one, Google Translate is a service that I use pretty much every day to translate text from one language to another and it has an extreme amount of machine learning in the backend to make that process really quick and accurate. In terms of a social good application of machine learning, I have the example of Botometer here. So this is built off research from a university and it allows you to take a Twitter handle and find out if they may be a bot or not. It doesn't have a strict commercial outcome and it's available to anyone that has a Twitter account. These are just some of the examples that I came up with but I'm sure yours will be quite different but also equally valid.
