From the course: Data for Good: Using Data Science in Nonprofits and NGOs

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Research applications

Research applications

- [Instructor] Contributing to data for good projects doesn't need to only include working as an analyst or directly for one organization. There are many different research avenues that can be done, either privately or as part of a larger research group. This type of work can also indirectly assist other programs, and in some cases can have a wider impact than directly contributing your time. Research in this instance would be defined as contributing to the continuing understanding of a topic through scientific investigation. To be a bit more specific, it would be the continued understanding of a topic that can be used in line with a definition of for good. That would also include a mechanism for this research to be applied in a manner that is available for good. Please also note that research that is proprietary and meant to be private is not included in this definition. This may not be the first obvious avenue. Due to…
