From the course: Daily Habits for Effective People Management

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Actively listening to employees

Actively listening to employees

- Think about a leader you've known who made you feel like you mattered. Pause now and write down what they did to make you feel that way. Did one of your notes include active listening? Active listening creates more engaged employees. And here are three steps to do just that. First is to pay attention. As I talked about in the video on one-on-one meetings, focus on the employee in front of you, whether in person or on video. Don't look at your phone or a second monitor. Give them your full attention and look them in the eye, and explain why paying attention matters. You can say, "While work can feel busy, it's important for us to focus on the conversation at hand. You have my full attention". But what if you have distractions? Minimize them by setting your chat status to do not disturb. If you receive an emergency call, explain to the employee that you need to take it. If another employee stops by, explain that you…
