From the course: Customer Service for Any Sector: Tips from a Hospitality Expert

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Active listening top tips

Active listening top tips

- Listening plays a key role in any customer-focused business. It helps you understand and anticipate what your customers truly want, tailor their experiences, and take your service to the next level. But here's the catch. There is a big difference between hearing and truly listening. We listen every day, but when it comes to engaging with customers, active listening is a game changer, and it's something that many don't do enough of. In this section, I will share some practical tips to help you become a true listener. One, don't interrupt customers, even if you know what they're about to ask you. It can be tempting to jump in and offer a solution, but interrupting can make customers feel unheard or rushed, so resist that urge, and let them express themselves fully before sharing your thoughts. Here is a trick I use to avoid interrupting. I wait a couple of seconds before responding to make sure that the person…
