From the course: Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Change your self-narrative to change your mindset

From the course: Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Change your self-narrative to change your mindset

- The voice we hear most in our lives is our own. So imagine the power our own narrative has over how we perceive and experience the world. Our self narrative is the story we tell ourselves about who we are. It's a blend of our past experiences, beliefs, values, and the expectations we've absorbed from the world around us. But this narrative is flexible, it isn't set in stone, it can be reshaped and molded at any time. Consider for a moment how you react to challenges. Do you tell yourself, "I'm just not good at this." What have you added a single powerful word, "Yet?" "I'm just not good at this yet." It's a small change, but transforms a fixed mindset into a growth mindset. According to Dr. Carol Dweck, who pioneered the concept of a growth mindset, embracing challenges persisting in the face of setbacks, and considering efforts as a path to mastery are all part of believing in the possibility of growth. Now, let's experiment. Think of something you've struggled with recently. Internally, narrate a positive outcome. Instead of saying, "I'll never get this right," say, "I'm learning and improving every time I try." Feel the shift? That's yourself narrative changing. It's also about the language we use with ourselves. Often, tiny changes can lead to remarkable results. So let's craft some narrative shifts. Start with intention. Every morning affirm your growth and remind yourself you will learn and grow from your experiences. It's such a simple narrative shift that can profoundly impact your mindset, performance, and wellbeing. Remember, changing yourself narrative isn't about denying your feelings or experiences, it's essential to allow yourself to feel a whole range of emotions as they often reveal something important about your situation. Denying emotions or endeavoring to only be positive in life can lead to toxic positivity, which can negatively impact your mental health. You can however, learn how to frame emotions in a way that empowers you, acknowledge the struggles and the challenges, then refocus on your ability to overcome them. As you practice, you might slip into old patterns, that's okay, mindset change is a marathon, not a sprint. Acknowledge the slip, learn from it, and gently guide your narrative back on track. So what's the new chapter in your life story? Remember, you're the author. You have the power to write a narrative of growth, resilience, and potential.
