From the course: CSS Layouts: From Float to Flexbox and Grid

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Layouts with CSS

Layouts with CSS

- [Instructor] CSS includes many different layouts. The techniques we'll be covering in this course are the normal flow, which defines how the browser lays out the HTML elements before any CSS is added. Floats was a popular technique used to create page layouts as we moved away from table based layouts. Positioning can also be used to move elements from the normal flow, but it's generally used for smaller parts within the page layout. Flexbox introduced better ways for aligning content and creating flexibility. And Grid is the newest method and allows for more complex layouts by introducing ways to align components within columns and rows. The multi-column layout can also be used in layout content and columns similar to how text flows in a newspaper. This module is currently at the working draft phase, so I won't be going over it in detail in this course, but it's something to keep an eye on. You can visit the Mozilla…
