From the course: Crowdfunding Campaigns for Independent Film

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Production values and length

Production values and length

- Your production values in your campaign videos should be as high as possible, but you need to balance this with your content. This is a first impression and you want to make sure it is a good one or your fundraising job will be much harder. This is a funding campaign for a film, don't skimp on your visuals as much as possible. And do the best that you can with the equipment and talent that you have. Having the latest and greatest camera doesn't matter. What you do with the one that you have does. At the least, make sure shots are well-composed and in focus. Pay close attention to your set or your backdrop for your shoot and remove any unwanted distractions. Don't forget your audio. Like with film, having bad audio in your campaign video will distract your audience and on a subconscious level, make them want to stop watching. If you can, use a separate mic from your camera mic, like a lavalier or a boom, as close to you or your talent's mouth as possible. Turn off other audio sources…
