From the course: Critical Thinking

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Distinguish causes vs. consequences

Distinguish causes vs. consequences

From the course: Critical Thinking

Distinguish causes vs. consequences

- As you begin your critical thinking efforts I'd like you to think about causes and consequences. One of the biggest challenges we're going to face with any problem solving is that desire to rush off and get to an answer quickly, because we feel like we're being responsive to our stakeholders when we do. But think about it, have you ever solved a symptom only to find out there are other symptoms that arise after you solve it? Have you ever put in place a recommendation only to find out you created new problems down the road? When you're going through this critical thinking process, first consider causes. Look at the symptom that is problematic, then figure out the real reason it's happening and come at that possible symptom from multiple perspectives. Once you generate a recommendation, stop and think critically. What new problems can you create if you implement this recommendation? what are the new symptoms that will…
