From the course: Critical Thinking

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Apply critical thinking every day

Apply critical thinking every day

From the course: Critical Thinking

Apply critical thinking every day

- As you go to apply these critical thinking skills to your daily work, let me offer some suggestions on how you can get started. First, identify a specific problem that you're working on. Then break that big problem down into smaller, more solvable ones. Once you've done that, document all those findings into a clear and compelling problem statement. You should then look for new solutions. Once you have some solutions, focus on the meaningful. Then go and do your analysis, but think critically about the results. You should also build these approaches into your and your team's daily life. Don't just take an issue and run with it. Understand that everybody on the team should stop at that moment when we've defined a problem and really think through what are the implications of how we're defining it. Remove constraints to your thinking. If you find yourself saying, "Well, that's the way we've always done it," or "We…
