From the course: Critical Thinking for More Effective Communication

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Navigating critical thinking in groups

Navigating critical thinking in groups

- On January 28th, 1986, Americans gathered around their televisions to watch the space shuttle Challenger blast off. I remember being excited because one of the seven crew members was a teacher and mom who was part of NASA's teacher in space program. I also remember watching shocked and with sadness, when 73 seconds after takeoff, the challenger exploded, killing the entire crew. There are many potentially catastrophic elements of a space shuttle launch, but the ultimate culprit was an O-ring. O-rings are sensitive to temperature. Challenger's O ring had been tested to 53 degrees. It's usually warm in Cape Canaveral, Florida, but the day of the challenger's launch, it was a chilly 36 degrees, why did it happen? After a massive investigation, the bigger question turned out to be, why did they take off? There are many reasons for disasters. In the case of the Challenger disaster, group think was the major reason. In the…
