From the course: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

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Limit decisions and final choice

Limit decisions and final choice

- Anyone that knows me, knows I like to focus on the positive and come up with ideas. At the same time, I also know that you have to eliminate ideas sometimes. Some people might see that as focusing on the negative, but it really isn't. No matter how optimistic you are, you need to eliminate certain ideas to focus on the ones that move you forward. Here are a few ways that you can narrow down your choices and find the best one to pursue. The first place you need to consider is the assessment criteria you've already established. Any options that fall outside your criteria need to be eliminated. Another way to vet options is through multi-voting. Full disclosure, I love multi-voting. I actually have clients that can be troubled about how many little sticky dots I own. Multi-voting is where you put several ideas up on a board and then give the participants a number of votes represented by stickers. They then come up…
