From the course: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Improve your problem-solving skills

- We live in the age of information. And as a leader, your team and organization rely on you to have good judgment and make the right decision with the information you have. While it's tempting to think that someone who always seems to make the right call is just lucky or has good intuition, the reality is that good decisions are the product of strong critical thinking skills and thoughtful problem-solving. My name is Eric Zackrison. I'm a professor, consultant, and I've managed and owned businesses for nearly 30 years. I can tell you with confidence that even in the most successful businesses, problems are unavoidable. Putting in the time to make sure you're prepared to deal with them and find viable solutions is what really makes the difference. In this course, I'll give you strategies you need to start improving your critical thinking skills and become a more adept problem-solver. I'll teach you how to test your own biases and assess information and walk you through common brainstorming mistakes that can take you and your team down the wrong path. I'll share with you strategies for solving both monumental and day-to-day problems and give you a functional approach for how to generate, vet, and implement your best ideas. By the end of this course, you'll be equipped to avoid common mistakes and start becoming the savvy, knowledgeable leader I know you can be. So if you're ready to start becoming a more critical thinker, let's go.
