From the course: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

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Important parameters

Important parameters

- One of my biggest mistakes as an absentee owner was not making it clear enough to my team what they were and weren't allowed to make decisions on. I assumed that they knew but the reality was that they ended up stagnating and froze. Thankfully, one member of the team brought it to my attention and we were able to solve the problem before it ended up in ruin. But it made me start paying closer attention to problem-solving. You and your team should always know the parameters of decision-making so things can always stay moving. The first parameter is who was making the decisions? This can be broken up into four general types. The first is decision by the leader, called autocratic decision-making, this makes sense if any of the following features may apply; time is short, you have an inexperienced team, there's a crisis or if there are legal, ethical or other high impact ramifications if the wrong choice is taken.…
