From the course: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

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Implementing your solution

Implementing your solution

- Most of you would probably not be surprised to know just how many times I've seen individuals, teams and organizations come up with solutions only to let them sit on the table unresolved. I would also venture to guess that most of you had experienced something similar. A sense of deja vu when you're in a meeting addressing the same problem that the group had discussed and solved last year or even last month. This happens way too often and it's usually result of two common errors in problem solving. The first is not putting a plan in place and the second is not having a way to assess if the plan actually worked. So make sure you're actually have a plan to move forward with. It's great to find the solution and to come to a great conclusion but part of that has to be laying out how you're going to make it a reality. A good action plan includes several key pieces. What exactly needs to get done. Go step by step. Who…
